Chiropractic Clinic Madrid
English Speaking Chiropractor from the United States working out of Madrid

Welcome to the Chiropractic Clinic Downtown Madrid
Here, I combine skill and deep medical expertise to bring you options from a chiropractor you know you can trust. My focus is on you, and on making you comfortable with every aspect of the experience, from first encounter to final outcome.
I understand the preciousness of your trust and I fulfill my promise to honor your goals and preferences with every treatment I perform. Every procedure is personalized and you’ll never feel rushed or undervalued.
the chiropractor
Dr. José Villanueva D.C. - Quiropractic clinic Madrid
Hey! I’m José Shane Villanueva Miyamura, a full-stack chiropractor, traveler, and ex-Navy Medical Corpsman working out of Madrid. I was born in San Francisco in 1972 and I have lived most of my life between the US and Spain. I am a chiropractor and a veteran of the United States Navy. I served my country as a medical corpsman until I injured my back and discovered chiropractic. Whithin seconds of my first chiropractic adjustment my leg and low back pain improved dramaticaly. This led me to persue chiropractic with the help of the Veterans Administration. I graduated from Western States Chiropractic College in 2003. You can check out my resume here.
My mission
- To be the safest and most proficient chiropractor.
- Consistently provide chiropractic care at affordable rates.
- Maintain a patient-oriented approach in treatments.
Chiropractic Clinic Madrid
Chiropractic is safe when it’s performed by someone trained and licensed to deliver the care.
The initial visit includes a detailed history, chiropractic exam and the identification of structural imbalances. I will also recommended a treatment plan. I might also recommend other examinations or tests, such as X-rays.
The Hands-on chiropractic adjustment is the most common tratment modality used. I will also explore other treatment modalities as needed. During a typical chiropractic adjustment, I will place you in specific positions to treat affected area.
Doctors of Chiropractic are highly specialised in diagnosing and managing conditions of the Musculoskeletal System. Thorough orthopaedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations I will determine the diagnosis and prognosis for your current health problem.
The maintenance phase
Chiropractic treatment may require a series of visits to your chiropractor, but most people attain maximum improvement in six to 10 visits. No pressure with long termtreatment plans.
If you come by Metro
The clinic is near the Goya Metro Station. Take the "conde de Peñalver" exit.
If you come by bus
The Chiropractic Clinic in Madrid is located near the "Plaza de Félipe II". Here different bus lines converge from different parts of Madrid.
If you drive
Public Parking is only 150 meters away next to the Media Mart at Alcala 108.
Personalised Treatment
I recognize that each person’s needs are unique, which is why I take the time to tailor treatments to the individual and I don't use a cookie-cutter approach.
Relax… I’ve got your back!
Using a combination of clinical experience, chiropractic care and exercises, I'll have you feeling better in no time.
The price is right!
My goal is to provide the best chiropractic service at an affordable price. The visits are 40 EUROS.
Where are you located?
The Chiropractic Clinic is conveniently located in downtown Madrid. Click on the icon for address
By Appointment Only
No Walk In Hours - I work exclusively by Appointment.
Phone and Whatsapp; 682192392
Monday-Saturday from 8-3

The Workshop
The Chiropractic Center is centrally located in downtown Madrid. My services will help you recover optimal health and peak performance without drugs.
Most frequent questions and answers
Chiropractic is a non-invasive, hands-on heath care profession that treats problems concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Its main focus is spine care.
what treatment modalities do they use?
Chiropractors practice primarily using their hands, providing diagnosis, treatment and preventive care for disorders related to the spine, pelvis, nervous system and joints.
are chiropractors qualified?
Chiropractors undergo a rigorous education in the healing sciences, similar to that of medical doctors. Like other primary health care doctors, chiropractic students spend a significant portion of their curriculum studying clinical subjects related to evaluating and caring for patients. Typically, as part of their professional training, they must complete a minimum of a one-year clinical-based program dealing with actual patient care. In total, the curriculum includes a minimum of 4,200 hours of classroom, laboratory and clinical experience. *
How do I select a doctor of chiropractic?
One of the best and safest ways to locate a doctor of chiropractic (DC) near you is by checking with the «Asociación Española de Quiropráctica (AEQ)».
"Adjust to a pain free and healthy lifestyle."
I guarantee all of our patients a personal, friendly and professional service.
Certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE). Member of the Spanish Chiropractic Association.
Do you want to start?
Call me